1417 1st Ave East
Kalispell, MT 59901
ph 406.257.6856 | fax 406.257.8919

Working with the great people of Hammerquist Casalegno on the Terminal Improvements project at GPIA has renewed my faith in the collaborative process. Whether working with Mark, John, Elizabeth, or any other employee of Hammerquist Casalegno, the "can-do" attitude to get the project done to the highest level of customer care is a testament to the tremendous depth of character and integrity entrenched into the company culture. It was truly a pleasure to work with Hammerquist Casalegno on this project..
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Northwest Mountain Region

News | Hammerquist Casalegno participates in a nation-wide Safety Stand-Down on April 9th
Apr 09, 2020

Hammerquist Casalegno participates in a nation-wide Safety Stand-Down on April 9th, a day-event focusing on protecting workers and fighting the spread of the Coronavirus.

On Thursday April 9th, three (3) of our job sites Alta Views in Whitefish MT, Flathead Gymnastics and Woodlands Condominiums in Kalispell MT, we observed the Covid-19 safety stand-down. We reviewed information provided by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). Throughout out the day at each job site, in an outdoor space and strickly abiding by social distancing practices, approximately 60 to 70 job site personnel participated in the 15-20 minute stand-down. Hammerquist Casalegno also has been proactive in sending Do the Five, Children’s Symptom Checker and the informational packet with the latest guidance from AGC in the employee’s paycheck envelopes weekly.

Read more information about the national AGC Stand Down here!

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Working with the great people of Hammerquist Casalegno on the Terminal Improvements project at GPIA has renewed my faith in the collaborative process. Whether working with Mark, John, Elizabeth, or any other employee of Hammerquist Casalegno, the "can-do" attitude to get the project done to the highest level of customer care is a testament to the tremendous depth of character and integrity entrenched into the company culture. It was truly a pleasure to work with Hammerquist Casalegno on this project..
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Northwest Mountain Region